Book Review: “The Essential Oil Recipe Book” by Katie Veldkamp

Rating: 4 stars

Headline: Creating a luxury product on a shoestring budget, I can’t wait to give some of these oil recipes a try


The 2020 edition of The Essential Oil Recipe Book by Katie Veldkamp provides readers with the hints, tips and all-important recipes for creating a concoction of homemade treatments, from relaxation oils to candles and soaps. Split over the course of twelve calendar months, Veldkamp takes readers on a seasonally inspired journey from products to combat the chills of January to the ideas perfectly placed for the gifting month of December.

Visually this book ticks all the boxes, with artistically designed copy that does not clog up or overwhelm the page and expert photography that are beautifully layered into the design. The content is both straightforward and accessible, containing a good number of oil recipes for every level of expertise. One thing you do not get from this book is a feeling of being short changed.

To be thorough and fair; there are two key things to consider before purchasing this book. Firstly, and perhaps most obvious, is the use of the ‘2020’ date on the book’s cover. Before writing up my review, I reached out to the author for clarification on a newer edition but was only able to obtain the vagueness that a book containing updated recipes was being planned with no date for publication.

The other comment to make is that this book does feature a lot of Simply Earth’s company branding, with photos showcasing their products to maximum effect. The recipes are unaffected, to the best of my awareness none of the ingredients are dependent on a Simply Earth subscription, however it is again something to make note of.

Stripping the corporate nonsense aside, this does still remain a highly likeable book and something I would be happy to have on my own bookshelf. A nice and easy way to create a bit of homemade “me time” on a shoestring budget.

AEB Reviews


Reedsy Discovery Review: AEB Reviews – “The Essential Oil Recipe Book” by Katie Veldkamp

Purchase Link: “The Essential Oil Recipe Book” by Katie Veldkamp (Amazon)


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